
Targeted Marketing

The following are a list of websites, communities, advertising service providers, etc. who provide life science marketers with the ability to target highly specific segments of scientists while being generally relevant to many or all research areas. BioBM is not affiliated with any of these companies nor do we accept referral fees from them, although we have advertised through a number of them on behalf of clients.

In order to be on this list, three criteria must be met:

  1. The company must offer the ability to target scientists across a broad range of research areas
  2. The company must offer the ability to target highly specific niches according to the needs of the marketer (as opposed to having pre-set categories)
  3. The company must be focused on advertising; they may not be a marketing agency or provider of other marketing services

If your company has an offering which meets the above criteria and you would like to be included, you are welcome to contact us. Likewise, if you are a marketer and you want to suggest an addition to the list, please let us know!

Last updated: August 28, 2015

Targeted Life Science Marketing Opportunities